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1. Dancers should arrive five (5) minutes before class start time, appropriately dressed. Dancers should use this time to change into the designated footwear prior to class start. Punctuality and attendance are required.

2. Dancer’s hair will be secured from the face.

3. Parent viewing weeks – You are invited to attend your son/daughters class and observe from within the classroom. Teachers will open their doors for you to observe the growth and development of your dancer. Friendly reminder to please move quickly and quietly up/down the stairs as there are classes in progress. Due to limited space, parents only please.

4. Dancers must behave appropriately at all times. Excessive talking, abusive language, rude behaviour is not permitted.

5. Gum is not allowed at any time in any classroom. Food or beverages are not allowed in the classrooms during class. The instructor will permit water breaks when necessary.

6. Dancers are to remain in the change/wait area prior to class start.

7. Dancers are to be picked up within 5 minutes of class dismissal. Spiral Dance studio will not be responsible for students who leave the premises, for any reason. Please ensure that your child knows to wait for you inside the studio.

8. Classes cancelled due extreme weather will have to be forfeited. Classes cancelled by the studio will be re-scheduled. Make-up classes are not available when missed due to illness or other attendance problems. Payments will not be reduced due to absences.

9. A doctor’s release is required for an injured dancer to return to classes. This applies to injuries occurring outside or inside the studio.

10. This policy applies mainly to our competitive student’s. The studio reserves the right to drop a dancer for excessive tardiness and/or absences. Students missing an excessive amount of classes (more than 3) prior to a competition, performance, and/or recital, it is the instructor’s discretion to determine if the dancer will be able to participate. The instructor’s decision will be based on the technical and medical ability of the dancer to successfully perform.

11. Each instructor reserves the right to sit a child out of any class, if any of the above policies have been violated.

12. It is important to us to hear from you if you have any concerns or inquiries regarding your child’s progress. Please do not hesitate to talk to your child’s instructor or Director.


CANCELLATION POLICIES: If for any reason you or your child is unable to continue in program, our refund policy is as follows:
A. If you wish to cancel at any time it must be done in writing via email
B. Spiral Dance Co. has the right to reserve a $50.00 cancellation fee
C. Pro-rated refunds will be issued as of the date your cancellation request was made known
D. Cancellations after December the 1st will be responsible to pay the remaining costume balance when it arrives



1. Dancers must be appropriately attired, and their hair secured per class requirement.

2. Parents must check with instructor prior to purchasing new dance shoes. Shoe requirements may change each enrollment period.

3. See Class Descriptions for required attire.



1. Payment for all classes is required prior to classes starting. A $10.00 surcharge will be applied to any accounts with late payments.

(credit cards will be charged automatically)
(cheques must be post, see office for dates)
– Annual, Bi-annual, Tri-annual, Quarterly

3.COMPETITIVE STUDENTS: monthly payment with 10 post-dated cheques, Sept. – June. Please include your $50.00 costume deposit dated by Sept. 15th on a separate cheque. This payment plan applies to students doing ballet classes that are on the competitive schedule.

4. RECREATIONAL COSTUME FEES: By May, invoices for costumes for Year End Recital will be sent home. All outstanding fees including costume payment is due prior to costume going home. Fees are price dependent on each class(es) requirements.

5. Recital tickets can be purchased directly through the
Bell Center Box Office Phone 604-507-6355.
Seating plan:

New! Order Online...

6. Competition fees are due prior to each event and are non-refundable. Fees are variable per organization and entry size (solo, duo, and groups).

7. Competitive Costume fees will come home by end of January. Your invoices will include amount owing minus deposit and minus any fund-raising monies specific to each child.

8. A $25.00 processing fee will be added for all returned cheques.

9. Payments for costume and competition fees are non-refundable.

10. The studio reserves the right to discontinue a dancer’s classes for non-payment of tuition and fees when necessary.

11. All late payments are subject to a $25.00 late charge.



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